Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Silicone Straws Australia Reviews

See Silicone Straws Australia for yourself - watch our review of the best silicone straws.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Buy Silicone Straws Australia Online

Silicone Straws Australia

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Turtles are the ideal motif for silicone straws, here's why...
Old thinking - Turtles know comfort within the shell. Stick your head out and risk getting it bit off by someone bigger than you! Stay within the comfort of the shell as much as possible!

2018 - We all stay safe and comfortable using straws we are offered  - when we know that we can make a differecne with reusable straws.

Old thinking - Turtles didn't survive millions of years by being innovative. Stop thinking "outside the shell".

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2018 - We can stay stuck in our ways for far too long.  Young turtles knnow that the only way forward is to brave the ocean depths and fearlessly go in search of deeper waters.

Old thinking - Turtles stay low to the ground. Stay low, that way you won't be seen.

2018 - We don't need to talk to spread awareness - we do it through our actions - using a silicone straw is your action speaking louder than words.

Old thinking - Turtles move slow and steady. There is no reward in going faster or trying harder. You'll get there when you get there!

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2018 - Making one small change like choosing to refuse single use plastic may seem insignificant in the big scheme of things - but it's a step in the right direction.  Remember the fable of the hare and the tortoise (turtle)? Slow and steady wins the race...

Old thinking - A Turtle on it's back is a dead turtle. Don't be vulnerable to others, they'll take advantage of you in a second.

2018 - Vulnerability is being authentic and meaningful.  We all gravitate toward those who speak their truth.

There's something about the fragility and butterfly-like way that little turtles move...
Join us on our silicone straw journey!  Wholesale Silicone Straws Australia.
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